University of Delaware

The 21st Century Campus

A Process of Discovery


The places where we live and learn, work and play, have a significant impact on our well-being and our ability to be remarkable.


The design of our campus affects what we do, how we do it, and how we feel. Following the discovery stage, we worked collectively with the University community to develop the goals, aspirations and principles for the future.

The themes for a more amplified, connected and translational campus coherently expand the ways we can shape the future of our campus. These define the value of our opportunity, and identifies a path to achieving our fullest potential.

A Connected Campus
An Amplified Campus
A Translational Campus

A Framework for 2029 and Beyond


The intent is to guide the evolution of the campus from 2019 to 2029 and beyond. The campus master plan will identify opportunities to improve the already developed portions of the campus as well as other land owned by the University.


The planning process will include strategies for land use, landscape, infrastructure, sustainability, and all modes of movement and transportation.